I had trouble trying to upload this video last night, so I'm not too sure if it will play. But the story goes like this....Uncle Mark and Aunt Sharon from Montana sent us a big box with individual Christmas presents inside but amongst the individual presents was bubble wrap. The kids went crazy over the bubble wrap. They were jumping on it, dancing on it, patting it and doing everything they could to make it pop, Anyway...I thought it was comicle!
Friday, December 19, 2008
DayCare Christmas Party
What a blessed night. The kids had their Christmas program at their daycare last night. They did an outstanding job. If you were not in the Christmas spirit before you got there, you were before you left. The little man, didn't do too much.....but he did ring his little bells and towards the end of doing his 3 songs, he started to do some of the hand motions, like touching his nose and holding his big ole Santa belly.
The little African American boy on the top row was hilarious. He was waving and hollering out at his Momma, "hey momma, Hi Momma" He was a cutie pie! So funny. They all were adorable!
Of course, Miss Cassandra was an Angel. Can you see her looking at the star?
I kept asking Cassandra all week, what role do you play in your program, and she said, I'm just an angel and I just sit there. And, yep, that's what she did and she did it well. She just sat perched up there and didn't fall off. Way to go CASSANDRA. Mommy was still very impressed with your acting skills. She made a beautiful angel!
Aren't they cute with their little bare feet!
And after you listen to these 3 short movie clips, you too will be ready for Christmas. Enjoy and Happy Birthday Jesus! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!
Mommy's Work Christmas Party
Jase was not too impressed with Mommy's Christmas party, but he liked his Mator truck!

When will this party ever end?
But Cassandra on the other hand, really enjoyed it. They had games, movies, crafts and other things for the kids to do while the parents were upstairs with all the adults. Also, Cassandra was impressed that Santa Claus had the same wrapping paper as Mommy's at home. (When she said that, I just looked her and said to myself, oh no.....this girl is just too clever)
Just one quick picture, please....look at the camera!
Okay.....let's just take one more, Jase wasn't smiling! Say MERRY CHRISTMAS!
When will this party ever end?
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Rylee's 2nd Birthday Party
I guess the pictures say it all, that or I'm getting tired and ready to go to bed. We were glad to be there for Rylee's 2nd Birthday and to wish her many more happy birthdays to come!

Santa's Wonderland
The wonder of it all........
Cassandra enjoyed the petting zoo at Santa's Wonderland but Mommy hated the fact that you had to pay to get into it. Everything costed so much money. We had to pay to get in, pay to go on the hay ride, pay to have your picture taken with Santa, pay to ride the pony's. Just money, money, money.....
And on the hay ride......it was VERY, VERY cold. Katie liked the fact that Rylee was keeping her ears warm.
Cassandra said the hay ride took too long. She got bored before we got all the way through it.
Now Mr. Jase, was pretty impressed with most of it but even he got sleepy towards the end.

But we were glad that we got to spend time with Aunt Teresa, Katie and Rylee. It was a fun outing but too costly! Next year, let's just all pile in one vehicle and drive through and then go to the College Station Central Park where everything is free!!!
But we were glad that we got to spend time with Aunt Teresa, Katie and Rylee. It was a fun outing but too costly! Next year, let's just all pile in one vehicle and drive through and then go to the College Station Central Park where everything is free!!!
First Debut
Cassandra's dance class had a performance at the College Station Central Park. I was a little worried if Cassandra was even going to go out there because she became very clingy to me once she saw how many people were there. Then, everything started off to a slow start so Mr. Jase decided he would start the performances off. Isn't he an awesome dancer? LOL
Then, finally after waiting forever, Cassandra's group finally got to go on stage. You can barely see Miss Cassandra, she was in the back. Anyway....you kinda get the idea. THEY WERE ALL VERY CUTE!
Then, finally after waiting forever, Cassandra's group finally got to go on stage. You can barely see Miss Cassandra, she was in the back. Anyway....you kinda get the idea. THEY WERE ALL VERY CUTE!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Deer and the winter scene
These pictures are of the deer in our back yard. Cory has been wanting me to put some pictures of our deer on our blogspot and since Santa will be coming pretty soon, I better get in Cory's good graces so that he will tell Santa that I have been a very good girl all year. Heehee....anyway....enjoy the pictures of the deer in the snow. LOL

Texas Snow
Yes, when it snows in Texas, it's a moment worth capturing on camera. I wanted to call our friends in Montana so bad to tell them that it was snowing, but I figured they would have responded with "SO, what's the big deal?" So, I didn't call them. Anyway....we enjoyed a few brief moments with the snow that only lasted about 18 hours. Jase has been sick, so I didn't feel like I should let him play outside too long. I hope their daycare let them go out a little longer today and play before it all melted away! Anyway....here are a few pictures to preserve the moment that it snowed on Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2008 in Bryan, Texas.
Mom what is falling from the sky?
Snow ball fight!
Mom it feels so weird!
Typical Santa Claus Pictures
Santa was visiting the John Deere tractor store off of Hwy. 21 last Saturday, Dec. 6, 2008. I think they said this was their 7th year of having Santa stop by and they are going to try to schedule him to come every year on the 1st Saturday. Anyway....if you live in this area, I highly recommend you taking your child their. Everything was practically free. Pictures with Santa, train ride, blow up air thing's, hot dogs, pop corn, cookies, drinks, face painting, etc. Anyway...my kids had a blast, it was just hard to pry Jase's fingers off the steering wheels of all the tractors. Other than that, it was a cool outing! 
Oh what fun it is to try to talk your little ones into sitting on Santa's lap. See the little man below clinging onto Mommy?
Weren't the girls cute in their matching dresses? Holley spent the night with Cassandra the night before. She had a little sleep over.
Uh-oh this is where the fun begins. What was going through Cassandra's mind? Was it "I don't know what I want Santa, let me think about it"
Or, was it, "If you touch me, your going to get it?"
Or, was it "Please, let me go back to my Mommy?
Oh what fun it is to try to talk your little ones into sitting on Santa's lap. See the little man below clinging onto Mommy?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Raylee's B-day Party
One of Cassandra's friends from her old school had a birthday party at the Party Palace. What an awesome party. It was for girls only and they magically turned each little girl into a princess. This is a picture of Raylee, Makenzie and of course our little princess, Cassandra.
Okay that's it.......no more makeup until she turns 25!
They walked the runway and showed off their party dresses and were sworn in as princesses from this day forward. Once a princess, always a princess. So, now she is royalty.
Yep, she definitely gets her good looks from her Daddy.
Awe......isn't she beautiful? Or am I just a little too proud?
The fun continues....
During our Thanksgiving break we took a little trip to see my Dad's new trailer house. He is so proud of it (ooops....I didn't take a picture of it...how did that happen???) Anyway....here are a few pictures of the kids watching the cows. When we got there one of the first things the kids wanted to do is see the cows. Dad is always very happy to take them out. Dad also gave Cassandra her very own room in the new trailer. He told her to go pick it out. She thought that was pretty cool that she has her own room at Grandpa's house.

We also stopped at Uncle Jack's and Aunt Beverly's and also visited my mom in the Cleveland hospital who just had gall bladder surgery. Cassandra and my mom decided on a nickname for her, which will be NeNa. It was cute.....so, NeNa it is. It is always a fast and furious trip, it takes 2 hours to get there and 2 hours to get back.

Yep.....these are a few pictures of us before we headed out shopping on Black Friday.

Hurry, hurry....we gotta go SHOPPING! Which Friday consisted of redecorating Jase's room and decorating the house for Christmas. Whew.....what a holiday break! Eat that cold cereal and let's go!
We also stopped at Uncle Jack's and Aunt Beverly's and also visited my mom in the Cleveland hospital who just had gall bladder surgery. Cassandra and my mom decided on a nickname for her, which will be NeNa. It was cute.....so, NeNa it is. It is always a fast and furious trip, it takes 2 hours to get there and 2 hours to get back.
Yep.....these are a few pictures of us before we headed out shopping on Black Friday.
Hurry, hurry....we gotta go SHOPPING! Which Friday consisted of redecorating Jase's room and decorating the house for Christmas. Whew.....what a holiday break! Eat that cold cereal and let's go!
Thanksgiving 2008
Watch out these ladies can cook up a mean Thanksgiving Feast.

All joking aside, we had a huge feast and we were very blessed to spend our Thanksgiving Day with my cousin's wife, Sue and their 3 children and our neighbor's clan.
These guys were worn out. They had so much fun!
Jasmine enjoyed the day just lounging in the hammock.
We had a surprise visit from Uncle Teddy Bob.
This is Gabe, Arial and Jasmine who had a blast playing in our sandbox and play area. Gabe was out there from 7:30 a.m. until they left about 2:30 p.m. He was having so much fun!
Jase was no baby this day.....he was outside all day with the big kids.
Cassandra with her favorite sissy of all.....Miss Holley Nicole.
Having this many kids playing in our backyard was such an awesome feeling. I think at one time I had 13 kids out there. It was great. They were having so much fun. I hope everyone else had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We sure did!
All joking aside, we had a huge feast and we were very blessed to spend our Thanksgiving Day with my cousin's wife, Sue and their 3 children and our neighbor's clan.
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