Wednesday, February 24, 2010 looks so pretty
Unbelievable how much snow we received on Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2010. It was so cool. The kids were so excited and so was I!
This is our road on LaFountain Lane. It was just amazing how much snow was on the side of the road and in the trees. It reminded me a lot of our snow skiing trips. Just gorgeous!
Home sweet home. Isn't it pretty?
oh....isn't it cute....these little guys with snow caps!
Oh no....don't hit Wally with a snow ball. Mema will get you!
It definitely paid off to have our snow skiing clothes. We were cozy and comfortable and played in the snow for about 2 hours.
They were having a blast.
Confining in one another and planning on hitting Mommy with a HUGE snow ball. Not NICE guys!!!!
Our FAT snow WOMAN.
Cassandra has started collecting buttons and was so upset when our snow Woman fell and we lost her buttons in the pile of snow. I tried to tell her once the snow melted, that we would find them. So...hopefully this will come true!
And of course we had to rebuild and make another one....but this time it was a SNOW MAN. It was huge. I'm not sure if I should admit this...but I didn't know how to build a snowman. I kept piling up snow with buckets and buckets of snow and it wouldn't stay packed and kept falling apart and then I remembered that I saw someone rolling a ball of snow into a big ball one day and I thought I'd try it. And of course it worked like a charm......then, I felt so stupid after filling up those buckets of snow. Okay.....hopefully no one will read my blog too closely and they will never know how TEXAN I really am. ;-)
Tada.......hurry take a picture before it falls again!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Valentine's with my sweeties! darling husband did me right this Valentine's, he sent me a fruit arrangement from edible arrangements. It was delicious and I shared it with my co-workers. We especially enjoyed the chocolate covered strawberries! Thanks Babe!
Then, Friday afternoon, I treated my darling husband with a couple's massage at Healing Touch Massage Therapy , and dinner at Messina Hoff, and then the next morning, I woke up and made my family french toast. Cassandra helped me sprinkle on the powder sugar and cut them into hearts. (She was enjoying eating the scraps from the heart cut-outs).
Aren't they sweet? They love each other so much! I hope it stays this way FOREVER!
Cassandra is doing a curtsy. Ugh....she is growing up so fast. Almost five....oh my!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Snowed in Texas Feb. 11, 2010
I better write this day never know when it will snow again in Texas. We had the kids all settled into bed with their pj's on and got a phone call from Robin telling us it was snowing outside and it was a lot. I heard Cory say, "really?" "really?" "really?" several times on the phone. And Wow...we were REALLY surprised how much we got. It had been pouring down rain all afternoon, so it was REALLY a surprise to see a white sheet of snow everywhere. We were glad we got the kids out of bed to see it, because most of it was gone this morning.

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Future Cheerleader
Well.....I'm not too sure about Cassandra's future plans....but she has told us that she wants to be a cheerleader! Do you think she'll make the try outs? HeeHee
Of course the Monster Boy had to get into the action! Isn't he adorable?
Of course the Monster Boy had to get into the action! Isn't he adorable?
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My Little Super Hero
It's official, I no longer have any toddlers. My boy is a big boy now. He is THREE! He fell in love with Buzz Light Year just before Christmas but I had already planned him a Superman party. Ugh....he did this to me last year. He was so into Curious George, but just before his 2nd Birthday he fell in love with Nemo. year.....I think the "theme" party has got to go! Despite the cold weather and the rain, we were able to pull off his party indoors but man was everyone sandwiched in. I need a bigger house! Haha......not really, that would mean more to clean!!!

Christmas Morning
Yea....Santa brought the kids exactly what they wanted for Christmas. Then, we made a quick drive to Cleveland and had lunch with my family at a restaurant in Cleveland, and then turned around and came right back home. Whew...what a crazy drive. Not too sure if we will repeat that scenario in the future. We sure do miss Grandma!

Zion Church Play and Christmas Eve
I think these pictures are listed in reverse order of occurrance. The kiddo's were in a church play at Zion and Katie, Rylee and the Parish Family came to watch them. After the play we went to our house for a little Christmas gathering on Christmas Eve. I found a "Family Feud" game on-line that we played for a little while and we found the green pickle in the Christmas tree. We are trying a few new traditions to see which ones stick for the years to come. Ha This is a picture of Jessica and (her now) Ex-boyfriend Dillon.
Are we opening up presents before it's your turn?

I just dearly love this picture. Doesn't she look happy!!!
Mommy was proud of you Jase! You did a good job being a sheep!

Camel on wheels!

Mommy's Work Christmas Party
I can truly say that I work for the best department on campus! least I think I do! I know I have the best boss! There is a picture of him in here somewhere! Anyway....we had our Christmas party at the Briarcrest Country Club and it included childcare. we are talking. LOL it's just fun to be able to bring them with you and they are there with you, just downstairs at arms reach. I really like it! are a few pictures and we got extremely lucky this year and got Dada home 5 days earlier than what we originally thought. Which reminds me.....he played a dirty trick on me and told me that he got "let go" which left me to thinking he got laid off. I was practically in tears before I picked him up at he airport when he told me that they just had too many people scheduled and needed bed space, so they let some of the people go home early, WITH PAY. So.....whew... Thank you LORD for sending Dada home early!

Zip Line
Oh boy....Daddy came up with this really cool idea about putting up a zip line in our yard for Jase's Birthday party, so that all the kids can fly like Superman. The KIDS love it. It almost made me want to try it out....but NOT REALLY!

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