Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Birthday Daddy
I thought this would make Cory's Birthday special! I hope it worked! To all the other viewers, you might want to wear ear plugs ;-)

Easter Sunday 2011
What a day of rejoicing it was at the Zion Church of Kurten. The choir did a beautiful Easter cantada. The breakfast was perfect. I was so glad I took my entree in the night before, I wasn't near as rushed this morning as I could have been.
The kids were anxious to take a bath this morning and look beautiful and handsome. No one complainted about what I picked out for them to wear this morning! Praise the Lord!
Now, getting them to sit still long enough to take a picture was a little stressful!
But when I said, it was for Daddy, some how they managed to stop a second and give a smile!
After church, we made a mad dash to Mema's church. They were having an Easter egg hunt at noon, so we were able to catch the end of their sermon and participate in their Easter egg hunt.
Not sure what to think about Mr. Jase, he still is not into Easter egg hunting. Last year, I remember he was sick and was running fever....but this year, he is fine.....he just don't like it.
Now Cassandra on the other hand, is starting to ask if an Easter Bunny is really real? I told her that is something that she had to figure out on her own.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Coloring Eggs and Monkey Bars
Cassandra is so good on the monkey bars

She truly amazes me. She can go from end to end without any help!
She truly amazes me. She can go from end to end without any help!
Easter Egg Hunt at Zion
Please overlook the mo-hawk, it was one of those mornings that I didn't want to fight the battle, so, he asked for a mo-hawk and I said, "OKAY".
Believe it or not, everyone was still saying, Oh how cute.....
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
51, we think!
We snuck down to the Edge Country Store and had Ribeye steak's on Saturday night and wished Cory a Happy 51st Birthday. He had to go back to work, so he will not be here on his actual Birthday.
He was surprised that I even thought about his Birthday.
Needless to say, he was HAPPY!
Or was that an affect of the BYOB?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Bluebonnet Picture Time
I can officially mark this off my to do list for this year. This wasn't even planned, but it worked out so perfectly. I left early from work on Tuesday to meet Cory at his school in Conroe, and we drove past these beautiful FIELDS of bluebonnets on Hwy. 105 and lucky for me...I had my camera with me and we had a few minutes to spare. Not, to mention that we were all marooned out for the Girls National Championship Basketball Game, and all had matching Aggie maroon shirts on. Whoop! So...yea, here are the results of my lucky day!

I told you they were beautiful and abundant! I hope you enjoyed the pics!
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