Saturday, April 12, 2008

Paint Bluebonnets on your Easil

Well, you kinda get the idea of what we were trying to do with these pictures. Of course, the kids loved the idea of getting to paint, but Robin and I didn't enjoy the clean up. It was work. I think I will send in a picture to KBTX Channel 3 to see if we can win a prize. Poppy said, they are awarding $50 a week to the best bluebonnet picture of the week. So, I guess I'll try but I'm not sure if I'll use these pictures because the bluebonnets were just about gone already. These pictures were taken at Washington on the Brazos and I think we had more bluebonnets in Bryan/College Station.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I bookmarked you-looking forward to keeping up with the Cotton family on your blog!