Okay, I think we are on Wed, Dec. 31, 2008 in Carlsbad, New Mexico now. We basically drove all day and got there about 2 p.m., got another hotel with an indoor swimming pool and then went and visited this zoo. We were not too sure what to expect except a bunch of cactus, but we were plesently surprised.

Okay the birds are nice.......lets keep going and see what else there is to see!

a mountain lion


a prairie dog....isn't he cute? Look at all the vegetables that they gave them to eat. I could have made myself an entire salad with all the food that they had laying around out there for them to eat.

Well, there were a lot more criters but I don't want to bore you with too many details. We enjoyed walking through and saw a black bear named "Maggie" who the zoo keeper said was an artist, that she painted with her paws. It was pretty cool! Then, after we left the zoo, we went to eat at a BBQ place which wasn't as good as it it in Texas, but it was enough to make us feel full and ready for bed because that is what we ended up doing on New Year's Eve night. We were in our pajammies and asleep by 8:30 p.m.

Happy New Year EVERYBODY!
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