Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bluebonnets with Holley and Sebastian

I was starting to worry if I was going to get another chance to take some more bluebonnet pictures but I squeezed in a moment today. Our weather has been so crazy these past few weeks and today really wasn't too much different. It was so WINDY! are a few snap shots. Poor Jase is running fever AGAIN. I'm thinking it's an ear infection again...but....not sure. Regardless...his mommy made him take pictures anyway. Poor fellow!

Well...........he doesn't look sick in this picture???

The FOUR muskateers!

Miss Photogenic, Holley!

Cassandra loves wearing head bands (but I hate I know why....she looks like a peeled onion).

The wind blown look.
The wind is blowing me away!

Topsy Turvey Hairdo....oh me!
Until next year bluebonnets!

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