Friday, May 29, 2009
New Schools, New Friends
Well, the kids will begin new daycares on Monday, June 1. Cassandra will be headed to the Texas A&M University "Becky Gates" Children's Center and Mr. Jase, Big Boy himself, will be going to the A&M Methodist Weekday School.
Cassandra attended a 2 hour orientation yesterday and I had to sit in. She was having so much fun and didn't want to leave. I think they said their ABC's about 25 times, I think I even knew them before I left there. She can't wait to go back on Monday. Later that day, as we were checking out of All God's Children Daycare, Mrs. Heather asked, are you going to miss us and Cassandra said, "No, I don't like this school anymore". I was embarrassed but what can I say, she was telling the truth. It was time to move on.
So, today, I thought I'd go by and meet Jase's teacher and also let Jase get to look around and get a feel of what is going to go on this coming Monday. Big Sister, went with us, to help her brother with the transition. Jase's teacher was so nice. I'm looking forward to working with her.
He gets to take something to sleep with, so, Nemo gets to go to weekday school, too!
Then, get this, he already has a girlfriend. We were not there more than 5 minutes, and this little girl starts hanging around him, he lets her hold Nemo and then the next thing I know, they are hugging each other. How cute is that?
I think the transition is going to work out just fine!
Monday, May 25, 2009
YEA....we can go swimming now
What is wrong with our kids? They love to swim so much, it's crazy. I think they would have stayed outside all day today if I would have let them. They just really love swimming.
Not to mention to have her "Sissy" come over and swim with her.
And then this little fellow just cracks me up. He says, "he wants to go scuba diving" (not swimming). He is so adorable.
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Dance Rehersal we can say, "we've been there and done that". What a night. Cassandra enjoys watching the other girls dance, even while she is on stage. (see movie clip below). On one song, she does a little bit better, but she definitely is watching them to make sure she is following along and not messing up. So, I guess it's better than just standing there with stage fright. Anyway....we had fun and the MCM dance studio really put on an entertaining night. We really enjoyed watching the other dancers. They even had "Daddy's" dance with their daughters in one song. It brought tears to my eyes. It was so sweet to see those Dad's step up to the plate and dance in front of an audience. I was impressed! I hope some of you can come and watch her recital on Sunday, it should be entertaining. There will not be any camera's or video recorders allowed during the recital. So, I'm pretty sure this will be the last of the dance pictures for this year. Cassandra had a lot of fun and enjoyed the experience.

Monday, May 18, 2009
Play Day at Colten's Home
Colten's Mom had all the "old friends" get together at her home. It's always a lot of fun to get the kids together. All the kids refer to us "so and so's Mom". It's kinda funny. Thanks for doing this for us "Colten's Mom" We had a blast! I'll try to return the favor and have a "back to school" party in August!
Jackson has joined the gang of 7, yea for he has a boy his age to play with.
Cory/Brian/Birthday/Lake Travis/Rachelle/Carson visit
Yep....I'm a little behind schedule putting these pictures on the blogspot. These were taken April 24, 2009; the weekend of Brian and Cory's Birthday. Also, Rachelle and Carson came down from Utah to spend the week with her parents. We really enjoyed seeing Carson. He is such a great kid!
Rylee of course is such a cute little doll.
Cassandra is becoming a big girl now. She still uses training wheels on her bike but it want be long, we will need to take them off!
Jase is still a little unsure and looks at his Dad for re-assurance.

Awe....isn't this a great picture?
It looks like Rylee is going to throw something?

The Birthday Guys!
OH Handsome himself.
The Birthday party gang.
one more please.
What a sweet cousin.
Or is it a sweet girl?

49 and holding????
I old did you turned Brian? 26????
Never too old to blow out candles.

What a nice family photo.
Ugh...can't say that about this one......what is wrong Cassandra?
Awe....isn't this a great picture?
The Birthday Guys!
49 and holding????
What a nice family photo.
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