Yep....I'm a little behind schedule putting these pictures on the blogspot. These were taken April 24, 2009; the weekend of Brian and Cory's Birthday. Also, Rachelle and Carson came down from Utah to spend the week with her parents. We really enjoyed seeing Carson. He is such a great kid!

Rylee of course is such a cute little doll.

Cassandra is becoming a big girl now. She still uses training wheels on her bike but it want be long, we will need to take them off!

Jase is still a little unsure and looks at his Dad for re-assurance.

Awe....isn't this a great picture?

It looks like Rylee is going to throw something?

The Birthday Guys!

OH Handsome himself.

The Birthday party gang.

one more please.

What a sweet cousin.

Or is it a sweet girl?

49 and holding????

I old did you turned Brian? 26????

Never too old to blow out candles.

What a nice family photo.

Ugh...can't say that about this one......what is wrong Cassandra?

she is still pouting.....

awe......mommy and daughter

awe....1st and 2nd cousins

Uh oh, run, run.... this is a cool picture!

And this one too.

4 little monkeys jumping on the bed....

Say Cheese.......

Say Handsome!!!!

Say....I need my little push!

Feed the ducks that yummy cookie


Jase loves the jet ski!

Jase just ate the pink icing off the cookie and fed the rest to the ducks.

Come pick me up Daddy....I want to ride the jet ski again!

Me too!

Yea....I think I'm through....I was running out of narrations.
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