Let the fun begin....I was invited by my friend, Sharon from Montana, to join her in a girls weekend out to Las Vegas to see Cher. At first....I didn't think the idea was even possible at all....How would I ever leave my babies? But....after talking it over with Cory, he said, "I should go, it would be good for the kids to be away from me for a while and it would also be good for me to get a break". So....I guess that is all it took....because the next thing I know....I was booking my flights!

Sharon was invited by her friend, Cindie who also invited Lisa from California to join us. These ladies were great.

Oh the Vodka tasting at Red Square was very interesting. We didn't do the vodka vault because Sharon and Cindie were not too interested in going in below zero temps, since they just left those temps in Montana. Who could blame them?

We tasted the Around the World vodka and found that they were very different from each other. Can't say all vodka's are the same any more!

oopsie...getting tipsie on sipping vodka!

They took my camera away during the Cher concert but I was able to take a few pictures of Cher's wardrobe cases outside the theater. I didn't realize how skinny and short she is. I think she wears a size 2.

Then...get this....during the concert, Cindie and I sneaked out to to to the potty and walked pass the souvenior stand and saw Dr. Phil's wife, Robin. I had my cell phone with me and I asked her if she would let me take a picture with her and she said, yes. She was really sweet!

ooopsie....getting kisses from a stranger on the street.

Outside of the Mirage

Yes, that is a starbucks cup in my hand. I was on a winning streak and I could afford to drink Starbucks!

We had a blast! Thanks Sharon for inviting me!

She got a manicure.....

while I got a pedicure!

This is Cindie!

And this is Lisa.

And this is the gang!

Don't ask me why I had a knife in my hand.....I think I was trying to protect my carrot cake!

Very nice hotel...except our electricity in the bathroom blew a fuse 2 different times. Arrggh....both times while I'm trying to get ready!

I should have taken a picture of our shot glasses....I found some that said, "WHO LET THE GIRLS OUT". I thought they were really appropriate.

oh....yea....one more tall tale.....Cory gave me the wrong wake up time on the day that we were leaving. I asked him to wake me up at 4 a.m. Las Vegas time and he said, that would be 2 a.m. his time, which I didn't question it....I was too tired to think. Needless to say.....it should have been 6 a.m. Ugh....so instead he woke me up at midnight Las Vegas time. I tried and tried to go back to sleep....but that wasn't working so, I went down stairs and played some Texas hold'em and did pretty good. It was a fun game (when you are winning).

We found these really awesome Lampwork glass necklaces and they were very cheap. I just found them listed on ebay too. I'm going to buy each of my secretaries one for Administrative Professionals Day on April 21. We also liked the Iris Impressions wrap around skirts, and I also found them A LOT cheaper on Ebay as well. Whoop.....I just love EBAY and being a BARGAIN HUNTER! Dave Ramsey should be proud of me! Speaking of, I got a whole lot of compliments on my silver heart necklace that I wore this day. They would ask where I got it and I was proud to tell them at a garage sale for five bucks. Their jaws dropped every time!

Shopping on Fremont Street.

We really enjoyed the Nathan Burton Magic and Comedy show at the Flamingo Casino. I think our tickets were $28 and included a dinner buffet that had snow crab, prime rib and duck. They also had a chocolate fountain and made crepes upon your order. It was really good!

Even Santa Claus was in Las Vegas this weekend....taking a break from his winter activities.

Okay.....I better explain the next picture....I really felt lucky this weekend, because I kept winning a little bit of money here and there. I ended up coming home with the same amount of money that I took (in other words...I won enough money to cover all my expenses while there...including shopping). But if I need to give credit where credit is due....I should really thank Sharon for dragging me away to the next activity. If it wasn't for her....I probably would have gambled it all away. But anyway......my biggest earnings were in shooting dice. I basically played the pay line and covered the 6 and the 8. I was raking in the chips, and when I cashed out, I tried to not count it, I just tucked it away in my luggage, or purse somewhere. But when I got home and unpacked, I was well pleased to find all that money tucked here and there. It was like winning all over again. So....I couldn't resist taking a picture of my "lucky" toes. Aren't they funny.....dice....so that everyone knows I went to Vegas.

I had a great time and I really, really, really appreciate Robin for taking care of my kids, Cory for encouraging me to go and for Sharon for inviting me. We are already talking about making this an annual event. I'm READY!
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