Monday, April 20, 2009

My Neighbor's Mud Fight

I'm happy to report that some how my kids escaped my neighbor's mud fight. Can I shout hurray????? It was all fun and games until it was time to wash up outside with cold water and then to clean up the mess inside after everyone took a bath. I'm glad it wasn't me but they did have a lot of fun!!!! Poor Holley didnt' like being sprayed down with cold water when it was time to get cleaned off.
This might be a sign of TRUE LOVE!!! Enoch and Heather still look great even with mud splattered all over them! CUTE!!!!!
Isaac, Erin, Enoch and Heather and I think that is Elias in the background and Sebastian.

This would make a great picture to display at your wedding one day!!!!

Sebastian had a blast the entire time. He was loving it! (and still looks HANDSOME)

Enoch, she has to change out of her good clothes first!!! Run Holley, RUN!

Too Busy to Play

I just got a wake up phone call from my darling sweet hunny asking me "WHERE ARE MY PICTURES?" weekend was so hectic and my big conference is this Thursday, I was hoping he would give me some slack, but he wouldn't hear of it. But thankgoodness my dear sweet neighbor took some pics of the kids this weekend while she watched them for me on Saturday. you go!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

We have been attending Zion Church of Kurten for their Awana program on Wednesday night and got invited to their Easter Egg Hunt today. The kids loved it and of course I loved it because of all the photo opps. The little white bunnies were the perfect touch. They were so cute as Cassandra would say! Enjoy the pictures everyone....they are adorable!


oh sweet

awe...future model!

Don't let him get away!

no....this is not the same picture as the one above....her head is a little more tilted upright.
(you looked, huh?)

Maybe Dad will not scroll down this far and notice that we are proud owners of six little baby chicks. But Dad....they are so CUTE! I'll kiss them good night every night!!!

Circus-I can do that!

Welcome to Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey Circus!
Mommy is so proud of ya'll for reading five books at the Bryan Library and getting your circus tickets FREE! Way to go!!!
Cassandra loved the show. Everything was so FUNNY!
Jase was mezmorized. He kept saying, I can do that!!!

He couldn't keep his eyes off the circus acts for one minute.

The guy with the bicyle was hilarious and very talented.

The lady with the six white tigers was very BRAVE! better enjoy that sno cost Mommy $11.00
A circus cannot be a circus without the elephants!
Now this was adorable with the dachshunds.

Mommy, I loved the circus and want to go back again and again.

Mommy, when I grow up, can I be in the circus?

We'll looks to dangerous to me!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bat Man and Snow White

No explanation needed on these pictures! ENJOY!

Bluebonnets with Holley and Sebastian

I was starting to worry if I was going to get another chance to take some more bluebonnet pictures but I squeezed in a moment today. Our weather has been so crazy these past few weeks and today really wasn't too much different. It was so WINDY! are a few snap shots. Poor Jase is running fever AGAIN. I'm thinking it's an ear infection again...but....not sure. Regardless...his mommy made him take pictures anyway. Poor fellow!

Well...........he doesn't look sick in this picture???

The FOUR muskateers!

Miss Photogenic, Holley!

Cassandra loves wearing head bands (but I hate I know why....she looks like a peeled onion).

The wind blown look.
The wind is blowing me away!

Topsy Turvey Hairdo....oh me!
Until next year bluebonnets!