Monday, June 22, 2009

Vacation 2009

It is going to take a while before we recuperate from this vacation.....financially and our energy level. I need another vacation to get well BUT it was so worth it. We left Thursday afternoon and drove to Bilouxi, Mississippi and on Friday, we spent a little time on the beach before hitting the road again to drive to Florida. The kids were really great in the car. Well, sorta, Jase got sick after being in the car for about 2 hours but he only had that one episode and he seemed to be doing okay after that. He did have a bad cough and nasty nose but he was trooper. We called pediatrics and they said to give him honey for his cough and IT WORKED! The kids loved the beach.

I think we spent $25 to rent this sand buggy and used it for probably about 10 minutes and we got bored with it quick. Made for a good picture though! Ha

Our original plan was to not get wet but someone with shorter legs didn't have a chance or meeting that goal.

Awe....there is nothing like the beach. So nice!!!! God is a wonderful creator!

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